More than anything else in your home, your accessories give each and every room a little bit of your personality! Without them, you only have the setting for a model room in a model home. Accessories make each room come alive with pop and pizzazz! There’s nothing better to help you reflect your tastes and those of your family. Simply stated, a home without accessories is like food without seasonings!
Acquiring accessories is truly a never-ending delight. Whenever and wherever you see something that grabs your eye or catches your attention, acquire it if possible, because it will give you pleasure every time you look at it. Plus, it adds a very personal touch to your home.
Ardent collectors of one type of object often purchase them without any thought of what to do with these treasures afterwards. Here are a few ideas of how these precious treasures can be incorporated into a decorative accessory plan for your home.
*Small artistic objects are most effective when arranged in groups of odd numbered pieces.
*Blocks of wood, or old books can be used to achieve varying degrees of height as you place your accessories.
*Silk plants are always an inviting addition to an accessory plan.
*It’s not always necessary for groupings to consist of similar elements.
*Family portrait photographs are not out of place in a sophisticated room when grouped in a variety of interesting frames.
Above all, let your imagination soar as you place your precious accessories. By adding this “spice” to your design plan, you’ll be giving your rooms the finishing touches they crave.